]]> ]]> ]> ;; ==================== ;; customize the print (PDF) A4 stylesheet ;; ==================== ;; Set the paper parameters as per other eCos documentation (define %page-width% 210mm) (define %page-height% 297mm) (define %left-margin% 0.75in) (define %right-margin% 0.75in) ;; Assume that we are only producing books, a reasonable assumption ;; given the primary author :-) (define %two-side% #t) ;; Use 12pt ;;(define %visual-acuity% "presbyopic") ;; Do not use graphics in admonitions, our documentation is supposed ;; to look boring :-( (define %admon-graphics% #f) ;; Justified text please. (define %default-quadding% 'justify) ;; A separate page for each man page please. (define %refentry-new-page% #t) ;; The component writer's guide man pages do not describe functions (define %refentry-functions% #f) ;; Program listings should use smaller font to fit on page width (define %verbatim-size-factor% 0.84)